Book Review—Nights I Let the Tiger Get You

By Elizabeth CantwellBk-rev-cover-Tiger

Review by Abigail Lewis

The title alone may be enough to make you curious about this slender volume of poems, but just wait until you start reading. Start anywhere. I began at the beginning: “And in the space inside your head, between your eyes and your ears, an entire planet throbs,” writes Elizabeth Cantwell. That’s from “A Hot, Close Sun Turning Your Temples Into Ash.” Do you begin to see why you’ll want to read every poem in this book? Some are more traditional in style, some wander off, but her imagery is twenty-first century superb.

On the nights you’re thinking the tiger might get you, this might not be the best soporific. The “layers of contemporary anxiety” (as the jacket says) are already too intimate. But come back to this book, because you’ll understand (perhaps all too well) the slippery edge of her unconventionally depicted vision. (Black Lawrence Press)

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