Holistic Living articles:

Album Review: Barrule


While many of the songs’ meanings are difficult to decipher, the group does touch upon modern, universal themes. On “High Net Worth Individuals,” Barrule lampoons greedy, power-hungry businessmen—something American voters are dealing with this election cycle.

Bird Day L.A.

Lazuli Bunting - Bird Day LA - May 7. Photo by Dave Collins

It’s been 54 years since author Rachel Carson published Silent Spring, which ultimately got DDT banned in the United States, but new threats continue to arise.

Desalination on the Southern California Coast


The West Basin Municipal Water District is proposing a massive new $300 million desalination plant in the South Bay, which would be the first full-fledged desalination plant in Los Angeles County. The goal is to convert 60 million gallons of seawater a day into drinking water for the 17 cities served by West Basin.


Anti-GMO film Consumed

Although I’m all-too-familiar with the stories of farmers and other unsuspecting individuals and families whose lives have been disrupted or destroyed by Monsanto, this political thriller about a working-class single mom and her son’s unexplained illness deftly kept me on the edge of my seat.

Treat a Pollinator to Brunch & Change Your Brain


Advances in neuro-science have recently confirmed that something as simple as a walk through a natural setting produces significant changes in the portion of our brain known as the subgenual prefrontal cortex (sgPFC).

Brain Size in Men and Women


“There is no sense talking about male nature and female nature. No one person has all the male characteristics and another person all the female characteristics.”

Nine Excellent Methods of Energy Protection


When you react to someone’s anger, you become vulnerable to the negative thought forms that person is throwing out, allow­ing the negativity to attach to your aura. Remaining in a neu­tral and positive state is extremely important.

Aromatherapy after Surgery


Researchers found that aromatherapy (sniffing certain scents) may be a better solution to treat post-operative nausea.