Monthly Archives: October 2012

Platefuls of Politics

Pesticides or farmers markets? It’s not that simple, but the president has power over food

The Penis Myth

buff guy

The confusion between genital size and sexual satisfaction is perhaps one of the most damaging and rampant sexual myths on the planet.

The Truth Behind Certified Organic Labeling

organic nectaries by Lindy lower res

Generally, organic means organisms that are not genetically modified and are grown free from potentially harmful inputs such as toxic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and hormones, antibiotics, irradiation, and plastic pellet- or animal waste-laden feed.

Film: Cut Poison Burn—The Business of Cancer

Directed by Wayne Chesler “You have cancer.” Three of the most dreaded words in the English language. Because even if you “recover” from cancer, the cure is often worse than the disease. Cut Poison Burn is a thought-provoking, often heartbreaking trip inside life with cancer. The film, based on a stage play by the same […]

Fertility Food

By Elizabeth Barker Munching on a few handfuls of walnuts each day could enhance fertility in healthy men, according to new research from Biology of Reproduction. In a study involving 117 males ages 21 to 35, switching to a walnut-enriched diet appeared to improve sperm’s ability to reach and penetrate the egg (a quality referred […]