Dirty Laundry

By Elizabeth Barker

Next time you load up your washer and dryer, skip the artificially fragranced detergent and dryer sheets. A new study from Air Quality, 1298820_mAtmosphere and Health reveals that air vented from machines using top-selling scented laundry products may contain toxic chemicals.

In tests on two home laundry units, researchers found more than 25 volatile organic compounds (including seven hazardous air pollutants) in fumes released during a laundry session involving synthetically scented detergent and dryer sheets. The Environmental Protection Agency classifies two of those pollutants (acetaldehyde and benzene) as carcinogens for which there is no known safe exposure level.

For fresh-smelling laundry without health-harming chemicals, opt for herb-stuffed dryer sachets. You can also scent your laundry by sprinkling a few drops of an essential oil (such as lavender, sweet orange or bergamot) onto a thin cotton cloth, then tossing the cloth in with your drying clothes. Best yet: hang them on a clothes line.

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