Monthly Archives: October 2009

Eric Garcetti’s Plan for L.A. Sustainability

Eric Garcetti supports eco-conscious living as both a planet-saving measure and a social justice issue.

By Amy Lyons

When Los Angeles city council president Eric Garcetti quietly married his longtime girlfriend earlier this year, the blogosphere was abuzz with brokenhearted laments. Not only is the hip and handsome L.A. native politically correct on all the issues, he plays piano and has a great sense of humor. Garcetti may kid around with his constituents (in both English and Spanish), but when it comes to the environment, he’s all business…

Busting the Myth of Multitasking

“Multitasking is a myth. You are just switching rapidly back and forth between tasks, which makes you more error prone and actually takes longer than if you just attended to the tasks one by one.”

Stealing a Moment of Silence in L.A.

The City of Angels may be known for its sunny demeanor, but the daily grind can chip away at the best of us. Whether you’re a high-flying studio exec or a self-employed computer slave, everyone needs a little break.

Letter From the Publisher

Is it possible we’ve already passed the summer equinox? This summer absolutely flew by, but judging by the weather, we’d never know it was gone. It’s pouring and cool in the Midwest, but here in L.A.we have heat and Santa Ana winds.

The Living Matrix

You may think that since you were born with certain genes, your health future is predetermined. After all, don’t they ask us those questions every time we see a new doctor or apply for any kind of health of life insurance? It’s as if your parent’s or sibling’s illness were a predictor of your own.