Books that Beckon

GreenScam coverErin Brockovich and the Beverly Hills Greenscam
Norma Zager

Rumors that the well-heeled Beverly Hills High School sits on an oil well that is the source of cancer-causing chemicals had been whispered about for years, but it wasn’t until famed whistle blower Erin Brockovich got involved that the situation erupted. Allegations were made, city government got involved, and a court case ensued. While Brockovich may have been well intentioned, investigative journalist Norma Zager isn’t so sure. Brockovich’s name certainly brought more attention to the issue, however, and Zager uses the opportunity to address ways communities can prevent environmental problems and maintain both health and sanity. So what about the oil well? We’ll all have to read the book to find out. (Pelican)

CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations)cafo_cover
The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories
Ed. by Daniel Imhoff

Like other coffee-table books, CAFO features oversized pages with lush color images and poignant text that invites the reader to browse. What’s different about this volume is that many of its 30 essays and 400 images feature farm animals in various stages of distress. Some are confined to unhealthy quarters at factory farms, the better to fatten them for our dinner tables; others have already been slaughtered and are headed for little Styrofoam trays in your grocer’s freezer. This book is not a plug for veganism, rather a plea for conscientious treatment of the warm-blooded creatures who give their lives for human sustenance. Sharing it with friends would be the best possible holiday gift to the animals. (Earth Aware)

This is The Moment RGBThis Is the Moment
How One Man’s Yearlong Journey Captured the Power of Extraordinary Gratitude
Walter Green

Walter Green wasn’t sick, depressed or living out a death sentence when he decided to thank the people in his life who had been important to him. He simply felt that he’d been extremely fortunate and wanted to share his appreciation in person while he still could. How many times have we all had good intentions, yet not managed to convey our thanks to a person who meant a lot to us before life intervened? Green wasn’t taking any chances. His pilgrimage of appreciation took him across the country and even abroad to thank 44 people who’d had a significant impact on his life and success at various stages. Some of the words he addressed to them are bound to resonate in your life as well. (Hay House)

Be Love Now9780061961373
The Path of the Heart
Ram Dass with Rameshwar Das

After four decades of a spiritual journey, what has Ram Dass learned? Maybe by looking back at where the journey started it will become more clear. This text goes back to that time and explores the early phases of his relationship with his guru, Neem Karoli Baba. Some of the text was written way back when, some is new, but for those who see Ram Dass as one of the important spiritual leaders of our time—which would be difficult to deny—this will be required reading. His speech has recovered substantially from the 1997 stroke that left him with aphasia and partial paralysis, but reading his words in this book promises to bring back the Ram Dass we remember. (HarperOne)

1 Comment

  • Loved Walter Green’s book, This is the Moment. He not only shares the story of his gratitude journey, but he provides great tools for how you can do it – your way. Since reading the book I have reached out to people I have not spoken to for 20 years and it was a wonderful way to reconnect. It has also enriched my “every day relationships.”

    It made for a great “thank you” gift for the New Year to friends and clients.