Life Lesson from a Psychic

The power of yeswoman pondering iphone

By Ellen M. Lambert

I wasn’t looking to change my life and I wasn’t looking for a fortune teller. In the throes of a painful divorce I was just looking for counseling—a yellow-pages searchable, traditional, by-the-hour, licensed clinical therapist. When a friend recommended someone, that’s what I thought I was getting. Instead I found an astrologer and clairvoyant, a clairaudient psychic of some renown in Southern California. She captured my imagination and my attention, and left me with a suggestion that would change my life.

I was fascinated with her methods, in that open-minded, interested way we have when we encounter someone entirely foreign and new to us. She was enchanting, but also a warm, comfortable, looks-just-like-anybody-else kind of person. I would have expected more scarves, hoop earrings and perhaps tea leaves or a crystal ball.

Her office looked much like that of a traditional counselor, lots of wood and heavy upholstered furniture, a therapy-type couch and overstuffed pillows. Her desk spoke of a woman of business, with in-boxes, letter openers, post-it notes and pens. There wasn’t a whiff of incense or a filmy scarf in sight.

She spoke to me for an hour about the stars and planets, and images from my past, also giving me a month-by-month forecast of the year ahead, the possibilities and portents, like an astrological tour director highlighting the points of interest for each month in my next year’s journey. She mentioned opportunities for a major move, a new love, a career change and geographical relocation, which seemed like the sort of nebulous possibilities anyone’s year ahead might hold.

Toward the end of our session she abruptly stopped speaking, cocking her ear to one side as if attending to another speaker in the room. She paused, nodded, turned to me and said: “The next time the phone rings, say yes. This time, say yes.”

There was something in her tone that did not invite response. I mumbled assent and she concluded our meeting.

I left her office happier than when I’d arrived, and that for me was worth the price of admission. For the first time in a long while I felt optimistic about the future—not because she had revealed goodies in store, though she had alluded to several, but because I was reminded that life changes. I’d been through a long spell of sad upheaval and disappointment. The law of nature suggested a change in circumstance, and possibly fortune, was due.

A day after our session the phone in my apartment rang. On the other end was a male stranger, who’d been referred to me by someone else, and I almost hung up on him. So help me, if one of my well-meaning friends was trying to set me up with somebody again, she’d be sorry.

The gentleman said he’d heard I did organizational consulting and he had a project coming up in another state, and didn’t have the staff to handle it. It was only a short assignment.

Uh-huh. I started running through my professional excuses in my head—time constraints, conflicts, deadlines.

He continued to talk over the responses forming in my mind.

“…all expenses paid, lodging of your choice, short notice, just one overnight, be back by the weekend … really helping us out here. Have you been?”

“Been?” I realized I’d “been” missing most of what he’d been saying.

“To Dallas.”

I confessed I hadn’t. Dallas had never even been on my radar, for either business or pleasure.

When he quoted the fee he was willing to split if I accepted the contract, I paused. My half would be several times more than what I’d been charging for far more work. I’d be crazy not to accept the proposition.

Except. I immediately came up with a dozen more excuses not to take him up on his offer. Excuse making, my modus operandi since the crib, my go-to coping mechanism, my “just say no” approach to life.

The psychic’s words suddenly came to mind: “This time, say yes.”

And so, reluctantly, I did.

That “yes” turned into my most lucrative consulting assignment ever, a five-year hitch with a great company, and an introduction to my future husband. It led to a major geographic relocation and involved travel all over the country, just as the psychic had foretold.

That single hour spent with a psychic gave me much more than a one-year reading; she taught me a life lesson I’ll never forget. I experienced firsthand the magic of accepting an invitation from the universe. I learned the power of “yes.”

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  • Loved the article, can you tell me the name of the psychic that you mentioned here?
    Thank you.

  • Hi Ellen-

    Great article. I too know the power of “yes”. One night I decided to go out instead of staying home and that was the night I met my husband. It would have been so much easier to stay home but instead I said yes and made the effort to attend a friend’s birthday and voila!

    Life is throwing me some curve balls as of late. Any chance of the name of the psychic that helped you? Many thanks… -Steph