Book review: The Rainbow Bridge

Bridge to Inner Peace and to World PeaceTRB-front-cover-2000-tall

By Brent N. Hunter

When a publisher comes out with a new edition 10 years after the first printing, the original book having been translated into 23 languages around the world, it’s usually for a pretty good reason. Author Brent N. Hunter first published The Rainbow Bridge in 2001 to share universal principles he’d discovered for achieving both inner peace and world peace. He looked around at our poverty- and violence-filled world and recognized that although we know the kind of world we’d like to live in, humanity as a whole doesn’t know how to get there. Synthesizing his studies in a dozen faiths and paths, he distills on page after page the universal truths they share into their simplest, most direct, most usable form.

Hunter also presents the Rainbow Bridge World Peace Plan/Global Commons Plan, a 20-year project designed to resolve economic inequities. Anyone who objects to a central organization, similar to government, being the arbiter of funds allocation is likely to balk, but Hunter’s grand plan involves creating a pool of funds that can be beneficently distributed, rather than always reverting to the high stakes players. Such funding, he believes, would be a bridge resolving inequities between individuals and peoples.

But any bridge takes time to build, and starting with these pages can take us step-by-step. Whether you read the ideas consecutively or randomly open to a page for inspiration, you’re sure to find food for thought, even if it isn’t a new flavor.

George Harrison might say, “You may say he’s a dreamer, but he’s not the only one.” If enough of us dream together and act on our dreams, we can forge a new reality. At the very least, Hunter’s bridges will lead you deeper into your own soul. (Spirit Rising)

—Abigail Lewis

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