The Vanishing Honeybees

727630_thb1Imagine half a million adults skipping town and leaving their kids behind. That’s what’s happening in bee world. Honeybees are all getting out of Dodge, and we have no clue why.

At first, this apiary science mystery known as Colony Collapse Disorder sounds like an urban legend or an exaggerated tale. Except it’s not. The situation is both dire and all too real; bees are disappearing all over the planet.

Filmmakers Maryam Henein and George Langworthy have spent two years interviewing beekeepers, scientists and environmental authorities around the world in an effort to find clues to this potentially disastrous phenomenon. The Vanishing Bees takes a piercing investigative look at the economic, political and ecological implications of the worldwide disappearance of the honeybee. Now in the final stretch of editing, they will be premiering the film in London October 9.

Another $120,000 is needed to finish and market the film.

If you can help with a tax-deductible donation, please go to or send donations to Hive Mentality Films, 1837 Grace Ave., Los Angeles, CA. 90028.

1 Comment

  • I understand this is a little off of topic however certainly related to the main post. I’m a retired physics professor turned beekeeper. I know, peculiar but it keeps the occupied brain centered. I not too long ago co-wrote a book along with a mini-course about it,perhaps it will help other folks out like it has me.