Special Message from Share International

How Do We Fix Our Broken World?

We Need Hope • We Need Change • We Have Help!planet-earth for flyer2


Throughout the world there is growing recognition that much of the “system” is broken, and the United States is definitely no exception. Just when we think things can’t get worse, it seems they do. While some people react with hopelessness, and others with frustration and violence, there are many working diligently to find solutions to individual, isolated problems.


Share International, a non-profit organization, believes it offers genuine hope for the future, because humanity has help of an extraordinary kind. Behind the scenes stands a group of loving, wise and incorruptible beings who have long guided humanity to its finest achievements. World conditions and the advancement of human consciousness now demand that they work openly to guide us through our present crises into a brilliant new civilization. Known by various names, these Masters of Wisdom stand ready to enter the world scene as soon as the majority of humanity, of its own free will, is ready to work for substantive change. From their elevated vantage point, they know that time is now. Along with the head of their group—Maitreya, the World Teacher for this age—they will powerfully inspire and strengthen the actions of all men and women of good will to solve the problems of the world.


Information about the Masters of Wisdom was first given to a worldwide audience in the 1800s by Helena Blavatsky. Her work was expanded upon in the 1900s by Alice A. Bailey, who received information from one of these Masters for more than 30 years and wrote many books about the cosmos and humanity’s place within it. In recent times, a new body of information has been revealed by British esotericist Benjamin Creme, who has lectured numerous times in Los Angeles since 1980. What Creme presents in his lectures and books is that Maitreya is now physically among us and, with his group, is ready to show us the only way by which humanity can build the trust needed for peace in the world.


That way is through implementing the Principle of Sharing. “Sharing” does not mean individuals must give up their hard-earned savings. The Principle of Sharing as introduced by the Masters of Wisdom operates at national and international levels—sharing among nations—to ensure that the basic needs of all people are met: food, shelter, health care and education. Today, more than ever, we are a global village, which is the outer expression of a great underlying truth: we are one human family. We must now learn to share our resources worldwide just as we would share within our families. Likewise, we must rescue our endangered planet, whose condition poses an immediate threat to all life.


Just as all life is interconnected, our problems are also interconnected, and solutions must be implemented within this context. Many brilliant ideas have been introduced to solve one problem, only to find they create or exacerbate another problem. This recognition is not new, but is often overlooked in our headlong search for answers. Helping us see the big picture, how sharing is central to our very existence and how solutions can work cooperatively, is one of Maitreya’s main tasks.


In a message for us today he says: “Sharing and justice, brotherhood and freedom are not new concepts. From the dawn of time mankind has linked his aspiration to these beckoning stars. Now, my friends, shall we anchor them in the world.”


For more information please visit www.share-international.org or email us at socal@share-international.us.