Let Twitter Inspire You

For daily doses of inspiration:

birdIf you are feeling blue about what you read and hear, from nonsense tweets to disturbing news, know that hope IS alive and plenty of people from all walks of life are doing their bit to bring a little light into the media.

For daily doses of inspiration:

Enter any of these in the search field on Twitter.com.

Search on the hashtags (#).

Follow these uplifting people (@).











































This is a small sample of inspiration available on Twitter.

You will discover one bright find will lead to another.

(*compiled by Zoe Nicholson)

ZoeZoe Nicholson has been standing in front of a room and in the public square with one message, WAKE UP.  And with each day, each event, each year, waking up to something new has led to a dynamic life that unfolded sharply, quickly, deeply.  She is not one to “suffer fools,” but that impatience is wielded at herself far more than anyone else.  If she has one gift that outshines all others it is the ability to collect information, consolidate and articulate it in a whole new way.  She is intense, inspiring and a true change maker.  www.zoenicholson.com

This article is a part of the 2018 Aug / Sept issue of Whole Life Times.